Smallhouse Log

Wednesday, Spring Break
"I can't tell you things and talk at the same time." - Jody, 03/20/2004

So here I am in Holland, Michigan, at Jeremy's house, posting at his insistance. I like tacos. I finally made train reservations, and soon must steel myself against the oncoming pre-quarter drudgery. Not to mention that all the classes I want to take are at 10:30. (SOSC isn't, but then again, I don't really want to take SOSC, do I?)

Pants. I'm wearing them.

Pants -they're not just for breakfast anymore.

Friday (I think) of Finals Week
"As your friend, I just need to fondle your shoulders." -Bernadette, 04/30/2003

Finals went pretty well. Paul sent me a ROM of this old SNES game called Ogre Battle. Oh my word. It is so addicting. It's like some real-time cross between Pokemon and Ghengis Khan II: Clan of the White Wolf. Both good games is themselves, their combined good features in this game make it pretty awesome, though there's a crazy large amount of strategy involved; at least, if you don't want to be a completely evil tyrant with a corrupt army of evil. It rocks so much.

Before he sent me that, I was also playing a lot of Breath of Fire, as well as a little Chrono Trigger and Secret of Evermore. It's been somewhat hard to get my hands on quality ROMs since Vimm's Lair changed itself up. The Manual Project is still quite useful, though.

I saw a girl with a 'Vincent' T-shirt on today, and two thoughts went through my mind: "Hey, she's cute" and "'Vincent' is Latin for 'they conquer'."

"Oh, I'm smart; just not in the ways of learning." -Drew, 07/07/2003

There's really not that much difference between wearing clothes and not wearing clothes. Except pockets. On that note, I actually fired up ZZT today, after playing SNES RPGs all afternoon. I had figured out in the bathtub that the sequence of numbers where each is the double of the previous in the sequence, starting with one, is identical to the sequence of numbers, starting with one, where each number is the sum of all previous numbers in the sequence plus one. I later discovered that the sequence of numbers, starting with three, where each number is the sum of all previous numbers in the sequence minus one, is also identical to them from the second number in the sequence onward. The reasons behind all these are manifest, but the discoveries were somewhat surprising to me nonetheless.

As it turns out, I'm not going to be moving into a single, which means I no longer have an excuse not to clean this room. Except, of course, being busy with finals.

I found it curious that the other day, I saw a guy that was so undeniably hot that I have to admit I would've been willing to make out with him. The count of 'guys Ian would make out with' has been raised to two. It is still an extremely overpowered minority, both compared with 'guys Ian would not make out with' and with 'girls Ian would make out with', though it is hard to say which of those two is stronger.

Well, it's now time for me to get a good night's sleep before my exam.

"Five deep and six a-boobie?" -Geoff, 05/26/03

I just got done having a conversation about whether or not fish are an efficient form of vengeance.

Anna and I went scavaging this evening, which turned into me going dumpster diving, which is how we made a fantastic discovery. We found an organ in an dumpster. Every keeps asking me, "Which one?" and every single time I say, "An electric, I think." I don't say this to be funny, but because I kept genuinely forgetting all the previous incidents. We salvaged the double keyboard, the tabs, the cover/music tray, and one of the noise-makey parts, I think. It makes me feel re-assured to know that we successfully mobilized a task force of two cars and ten people in a matter of minutes. We will be ready for scav hunt.

Who throws away an organ? For that matter, who throws away a perfectly good, seemingly unused dowel? I know the answers to both questions, of course. A seminary and a theatre.

The sprinkles on the dohnut, though, was this: We have spent roughly half an hour, probably more, in a dumpster, trying to take the interesting pieces of the organ off the bulkier ones. Eric Hove and I, the last two there, have just slid the last piece into his backseat. Before I have even closed the door, three UCPD cars pull up. We nonchalantly get in the car and drive away. The cops ignore us, and instead go over to examine the dumpster with their flashlights.

I want to be a Nietzschean "artist of violence".

Monday, Tenth Week
"Natural causes. That means his wife shot him." -Peca, 03/07/2004

Sunday was a crazy day. Today was a tiring one. I really can't think of why I might be posting.

I think it's time to play me some Duck Hunt.

"I love you without pants." -Courtney Douglas, 03/06/2004

So Lorange just sent me proof that there are, indeed, pictures of me topless floating about on the Internet.

While I'm at it, this seems like a really good idea.

The Living Euphony was a blast. Unfortunately, it seems most people took Martin's injuncture to heart, and no original poetry was read. Well, with the exception of Thiboult, but even he read only two very short pieces. The poetry of the night was, in general, of an inordinately high quality, including Thiboult's. Also strange was that most people were there.... on time. All of this combined to create a most singular Living Euphony.

It was certainly not without its delights, however. It is my estimation that any party where I am encouraged to take my pants off cannot, after all, be that bad. There was a girl there who had caught my attention a number of previous times at the library, and to whom I had every intention of introducing myself, but it appeared that she left sometime shortly after the reading. I did, however, meet a number of quite charming people, discovered a delicious new concoction, and also made the pleasant discovery that Anna does not drink. Josie sang a very beautiful old song, made all the more authentic by one of the verses collapsing into her exclaiming, "I am so drunk!" I got to better know Courtney, from Euphony, and I also met a most enchanting young woman from Max and Ohio, who somewhat shared my experiences in Japanese. Actually, I discovered that I knew a fair number of people from Ohio, and I had to confess that my entire knowlegde of Ohio comes from songs by the band 1945.

I think taking Latin has affected my English sentence structure somewhat.

"I think they're about the same; I think they're just different." -Shannon, 10/06/2003

    What's-her-name: "There's a difference between your job and your business."
    Ian: "I know; it's mostly in that I try to mind my job, but I almost never mind my business."

Perhaps I've been reading a bit to much Oscar Wilde.

And because there are a few of these out there that are actually cool:
You are... A Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich!!!
You have two distinct halves that come together as one.
Both sticky and sweet, your proportions are often meddled with,
but you are nonetheless a tasty treat. Your compassionate
side appears when you selflessly shed your crusts
in the name of motherly tenderness.
Everybody loves you, but they love you even more
when your buddy, Glass "o" milk, shows up.
The key decision for you in the next five years will be,
"Should I be cut diagonally or horizontally?"
Take the Personality Quiz, brought to you by Mr. Poon.

I wish I knew where that insanity quiz was at. I want to see what my current score would be.

I almost never miss an opportunity to walk down the center of a road with a shoe on my head, after all.