Smallhouse Log

Election Day
"I'm going to be a President who believes in Science." -John Kerry, 10/08/2004

Crazy weekend! First, by which I mean second-to-last, I almost certainly didn't fail my Systems midterm! Second, by which I mean last, Cobb wasn't on my ballot! Third, by which I mean after that other one, I smudged the room, and Alice accused me of paganism; she has a good point, and I'll have to consider what she said! Fourth, by which I mean even after that other, it looks as though Thune might beat Daschle after all; shaft!

Fifth, by which I mean second, trick-or-treating with Tori in the suburbs was much fun and very relaxing. Sixth, by which I mean first, The vegan party Saturday was totally not up to par. It was also a bad night for me. I drank too much; I blame this primarily on the fact that I was not mixing my own drinks, and thus was not as aware of how much I actually consumed. I was, however, able to use my hook as a cupholder (I went, then and for trick-or-treating, as a pinja) and even dial down the center. I found out that (a) Dee, the dirty tie-thief, still has my second-ugliest tie, but (b) Gina is her roommate; however, (c) she will not steal it back for me. Pooh. There was also a lot of very sketchy things going on, few of which is it my business to comment on. And there was this guy in an Amish costume who could not, for some reason figure out how to operate the front door at all, and I had to keep helping him with it. Sixth, by which I mean beforehand, Vanessa's birthday party was fun. I think Leah got to know my other crazy friends a bit better, which is cool.

Seventh, by which I mean just now, Daschle is now neck-and-neck with Thune. Here's hoping; here's goodnight.

"He groveled. It was good." -Leah, 09/27/2004

First, Lorange, I don't hate you. But there's still no comments, yo.

You know what the thing is, out of all I've seen and heard, that most makes me want to vote for Kerry? This:

So cute! So innocent-looking!

But anyway. Twenty-six applicants, thirteen interviewees, four new judges. Presumably this doesn't include the girl who gets an automatic in. My interview is in just over two hours. I almost didn't see the postscript to the e-mail telling me this: "Silly hats only." I don't know whether to bring a silly hat or a two-by-four. Either way, I've got it covered.

Two midterms down, two to go. I'm not dead or failed out yet.

"September was the first time I had to breathe."

Tuesday Tuesday, Fifth Week
"Stop hitting on me; I have to sleep with you!" -Danit, 10/25/2004

So last Easter, Anna and I dyed about a dozen eggs, and I hid them around Fishbein.

I just found one.

"If Science is what it takes to become immortal, then I'll go down that road." -Jimmy Chang, 09/23/2004

So today may very well have been the first day all quarter I've done and turned in all the homework that was due. On the one hand, it shows that Plan E is working, on the other, it's sad that I haven't done that before now.... Bleh.

So as of Wednesday night, I have confirmed that my hair is long enough to put into a good low ponytail. You know, now that I'm not waiting tables.

Also in the news: David and I devised a hypothesis that all of human life comes down to just four variables, which correspond to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. Everything else, then, is an equation or a function off of these variable. This leads to such possible remarks as "Don't increment my war variable today!" and "Oh, man, that dinner really decremented my famine variable," and of course "Turn your head when you sneeze! Are you trying to increment my pestilence variable?"

So I uploaded these a while back, but neglected to demonstrate most of them until now.

  • HS vs. local geography.
  • Kat suggests a solution to my computer problems.
  • Paul has an idea.
  • Paul is a mack daddy.
  • Paul invents the anti-rave.
  • Tara on school, katsup, and Milo and Otis.

    You know what it is about fourteen-point type? It's bigger, but it's not really that much bigger, is it?

  • Tuesday Tuesday, Fourth Week
    "Twice you burned your life's work: once to start a new life, and once just to start a fire!" -'New Girl' by the Long Winters

    Fourth Week already. Phew.

    Today I figured out what I'll be for Hallowe'en. It was a good day, filled with good conversations and solid working; very little wasting of time. I enjoyed it immensely. In a very short time, I'll go set up the Shoreland Band meeting, and when that's done, I'll get back to work. Maybe I'll go to bed early.... raiiiight. Well, at least I can go to bed, raight? Hopefully?

    "What happened to my yesterday?"

    "I could be a sandwich." -Stan, 10/11/2004

    So I'm back from the retreat, and ready to face the vicious, horrible things I have to.... well, face. Like my e-mail. It's vicious. ("Vicious like a deer!" ....I thought of Pat Grose this weekend.)

    Upon returning from the retreat, I found a pair of smallish leopard-print fuzzy slippers on the living room floor. I thought, "They must be Brian's. Maybe they're Alice's. I guess even someone else could have left them here. Oh well," and then proceeded to the bedroom, where I found Brian still asleep. After putting a few things away, I broke out the vegan cake that Althea and Julie had made for me and Patrick in thanks, which I had carefully stored in an airtight container. I noticed that Patrick had left his share out on the counter. *headshake*

    Then I wander around eating cake, much in the same way I wander around when eating any given foodstuff. Hearing voices in the house kitchen, I wander over there, where I discover two of the freshmen. The girl, whose name I do not see fit to disclose, said something along the lines of "Oh, you're back! I think I left something in your room last night. Could you let me in to get it out?"
    I said, "Was it by chance slippers?"
    "Trousers, actually."
    "Can't say I saw those. Uh, what were you doing in my room last night, incidentally?"
    "Crying, mostly, I think."

    So I let her into the room, warning her to be quiet, as Brian was still asleep. She goes around to the other side of the coffee table, and there, sure enough, lies a crumpled pair of girls' trousers. On the table, Brian's glasses. After assuring me that she had been wearing shorts underneath the trousers, she departed to her own room. The slippers, however, were not hers. I found out later that those belonged to yet another first-year girl, who came by shortly to retrieve them.

    I have since heard a fuller description of events, which, I assure you all, does not make things sound nearly as scandalous, but which is not my business to disclose. It is not my story.

    Then I had a conversation with Geoff on the subject of Proddies vs Papists, and who would win. In Geoff's words, the Romans have the "Jesuit shock troops of the Anti-Reformation movement." We reasoned, however, that the Baptists could probably hold their own against an eqivalent number of Romans, though the world would be a horrible place if the Baptists won.

    It's really funny to hear people read song lyrics like they're normal text, especially if that person doesn't realise what it is they're reading.

    Thursday, Third Week
    "I think this is important, but today, I'm just totally hammered." -Ann Rogers, 10/08/2004

    As he walked up to me, I could see he was mumbling something. Then he said, "Mantha."
    "What?" I asked.
    "Mantha is an anagram for Hat Man," he stated, and walked past me down the pathway.

    I've been told it's time I updated. As usual, things happened, but they don't seem that remarkable this many days later. There was a debate party, where we watched a debate, and then partied. It was the 'Internets' debate. It made me even more sure that I would not be voting for either candidate; they're both jackasses. Kerry looks better in terms of policy, but do I think he's fit to run a country? No. The next night, Nancy's birthday get-together. I made her a mix CD, and then found out two of the songs cut off. Grr. Bah.

    Yesterday, I dropped Latin. Today, I got told that there was a 'clerical error', and I haven't actually got my Latin competency. Bother.

    I want to sleep for a day straight.