Smallhouse Log


  1. Portraying: Bad Person
  2. Conveying: the onset of [apathy?]
  3. Now Playing: "Freshmen" - The Verve Pipe
  4. The Saying: "I wasn't prepared to have air in my lungs." - Amanda Juntunen, 08/02
  5. When Praying: Amanda; Ian; Matt (HS)
  6. Betraying: Kat

Have you ever watched the movies Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums? Yeah, yeah, but have you ever watched them together? I mean back-to-back, or even on the same day? Do so, and you will discover just how related the movies are. There's the big fancy stuff that most everyone can notice -and then there's other stuff. The teacher from Max's daydream is one of Royal's doctors. The DJ at the Heaven and Hell Cotillion is also one of the medics that shows up after Eli crashes his car.

Well, I just opened Amanda's email saying I have to call her in three minutes. Good night.

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