- Portraying: "I wrote a hit play! ....And I'm in love with you."
- Conveying: Tiredness
- The Saying: "I saved Latin; what did you ever do?" - Max, Rushmore
- When Praying: Amanda
- Betraying: Jim, Amanda
I feel like today is today. It seems like, to everyone else it will always be a year after, or two years after, or however many years after the day the twin towers fell. 9-11. And how many years, decades will it take until this is just another day? Until it is forgotten? One year ago was not just another day, and it must not be forgotten.
It's shameful that I still haven't compiled the memorium I started 364 days ago. But I will. I will. In the meantime, I've got friends to say farewell to, a girlfriend to love, and a roomful of memories to pack into neatly labled boxes.
I've got a week. Happy birthday, Zarya, Karla, Mrs. D-C, and everyone else. I love you all.
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