"If Science is what it takes to become immortal, then I'll go down that road." -Jimmy Chang, 09/23/2004
So today may very well have been the first day all quarter I've done and turned in all the homework that was due. On the one hand, it shows that Plan E is working, on the other, it's sad that I haven't done that before now.... Bleh.
So as of Wednesday night, I have confirmed that my hair is long enough to put into a good low ponytail. You know, now that I'm not waiting tables.
Also in the news: David and I devised a hypothesis that all of human life comes down to just four variables, which correspond to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. Everything else, then, is an equation or a function off of these variable. This leads to such possible remarks as "Don't increment my war variable today!" and "Oh, man, that dinner really decremented my famine variable," and of course "Turn your head when you sneeze! Are you trying to increment my pestilence variable?"
So I uploaded these a while back, but neglected to demonstrate most of them until now.
You know what it is about fourteen-point type? It's bigger, but it's not really that much bigger, is it?
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