Smallhouse Log

"He groveled. It was good." -Leah, 09/27/2004

First, Lorange, I don't hate you. But there's still no comments, yo.

You know what the thing is, out of all I've seen and heard, that most makes me want to vote for Kerry? This:

So cute! So innocent-looking!

But anyway. Twenty-six applicants, thirteen interviewees, four new judges. Presumably this doesn't include the girl who gets an automatic in. My interview is in just over two hours. I almost didn't see the postscript to the e-mail telling me this: "Silly hats only." I don't know whether to bring a silly hat or a two-by-four. Either way, I've got it covered.

Two midterms down, two to go. I'm not dead or failed out yet.

"September was the first time I had to breathe."

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