Thursday, Eighth Week
"Some people say I'm mad, and say the word "penguin" after each sentence. But I believe that we two can make Chicago great, with you as Victor Neminis and I as Will Penguin." -'Will', 11/16/2004
This post was mostly a quote post. I've got a midterm today, the domain expired, but then Zarya renewed it. (Yay, Zarya!) I almost bought the renewal for her (I just found out this week that I'm not broke.... and bought a cell phone. Not in that order.), but truthfully, I wasn't sure if she wanted it renewed. This is what happens when people don't communicate.
The Hot Side Hot is going well. Plan A has seen progress, Plan K has been postponed until warmer weather, and Plan E is working to an acceptable degree, though I wouldn't mind turning up the volume. (A note: Since these have been pronounced at me wrong in the past, let me just mention that all of the above arethe Greek letters, not the Latin. The reasons for this is that Latin letters, suffixing 'Plan', tend to refer to a heirarchy; that is, Plan C is put into action if Plan B fails. This is not the case with my Plans, which, as should be obvious, operate concurrently.)
For the interested: During daylight hours (early afternoon, both times), the Oriental Institute and BJ, baby.
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