Smallhouse Log


So. I go to the reading folder, print out the reading -there's only one- and read it. It's a short story called "The Cannery Boat". I go to write my response on the class bulletin board, and it's all like 'Naomi, Naomi, Naomi'. Hmm. So I run down the hall and ask Kari, who's in a different section, what's up. She tells me a novel, Naomi, was also assigned and, bless her, lends it to me. Aw, shucks. So I wrote the TA explaining the situation, and have read the first half before taking a break to czech my e-mail and write this. Haven't heard back yet. Where, I want to know, was this assigned?

I totally shouldn't have to buy books for this class. Even if they are enjoyably comical ones which are kind of a more altruistic, Japanese version of Lolita. Bah!

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