Smallhouse Log

Several posts to be inserted here

So here's the skinny: Die, Zombies... DIE!!! vs. Episode III. LaRocco totally outdoes Lucas for acting, dialog, and definitely scene transitions. Lucas wins on sound, cinematography, and consistency. They about tie on the action scenes. Overall, I'd say Lucas comes out the loser.

So here's the skinny: Birthday party, fact or fiction? Facts: Andy made out with Mame, they promised to meet up later. Heavens was a dancing machine. I was actually complimented for owning CDs by the likes of Real McCoy and No Mercy. Two spilled beers, one on the Dreamcast. Chili beer caused our genial host to re-examine his dinner. No one finished a chili beer. Amy and Geoff were totally flirting. Foosball rocked, and Brian rocked at it. Equal parts sloe gin and orange juice tastes just like popsicles. Fictions: Drinking bourbon on the rocks from a sippy cup will help you to only sip it. We ran out of Jell-O shots. The blacklights weren't cool. Store-bought hummus is uniformly high in quality. We didn't have enough cups. I remembered to invite everyone I should've. I completely trusted Brian's motivations for driving Erica home. The map showing the location of the bathroom was in any way unclear. The room is still clean.

Fact: It was nice seeing Hannah and Kaleb again, even if only for a while.

Fiction: I am ready for finals.

Fact: Spilling chili beer on The Couch is just as bad as mixing it into a baby's formula.

Facts: I just hit Ctrl-X Ctrl-C to save. I need to stop using the computer now. After typing that, I almost hit it again.

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