Smallhouse Log

Sunday, Third Week
"To prevent anyone from seeing the greasy mayonnaise hair you got from putting mayonnaise in your hair." -Shaina, 09/08/2005

You know what would be awesome? Legal tender that, instead of having dead guys or buildings on it, feature pictures of Dinosaurs. Think of it: Anklyosaurus on the nickel (it would then be called an 'ankly'); T-Rex on the dollar bill. It would rock so hard.

Also, my new computer is still on its way. This is not my idea of three-day delivery. It's all the way to Rockford now, at least, so it should be here tomorrow. Huzzah!

Also, the retreat was awesome, the new Spill Canvas CD is awesome, and I <3 Leah. Or, to use the Polish notation, <3 I Leah.

I wonder how Geoff's banana bread is coming along?

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