So I dreamed about Norse Mythology all night.
Actually, what I dreamed was this: Leah and I were doing homework together for some computer science class, and that homework was to procure the Midgard Serphent. We attempted to do this by seraching for it inside some webMUD; and, in the manner of dreams, we were actually walking around inside the MUD world. We eventually got to some place where there were two other guys, and we were going to fight them for some reason. But not fight; there was this weird keyboard thing with icons of red and blue fists on it and a cable on either end, and each combatent was supposed to hook up to this cable and use this thing to fight. However, when we were in the middle of hooking this up, the Midgard Serphent showed up, and we dropped everything to try to capture it. Working together, we got it into Leah's possession. Then we logged off. I was like, "Oh, man, I don't have anything to turn in!" But apparantly we'd been working all night and it was already morning. So I got ready and went off to class. As I walked through Eckert, as I will for real in just a little while, I passed Miss Dolansky. I asked her what she was doing here, and she told me she was visiting a friend, and then she was going to grade some homework. Then she mumbled something like "if anyone's shows up" and I realised she was talking about the MidGard Serphent homework. as I walked past the library and down the stairs, I thought, "But why is she here at this hour?" and then I was like, "Oh! Because of the time change!"
And then I woke up.
Oh, and "Norse mythology" melior quam "Sailor Moon", for the record.
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