So I know I've sworn off royaly and all, but there's just something about princesses. You expect more from them somehow. That, I think, is another great evil of the modern age: bigger countries => fewer countries ; fewer countries, monarclasts => fewer princesses. I mean, think about it. Even if every country was a monarchy (*sigh*), there are only, what, 190 of them? If we're generous and round up to 200, and figure about 3 princesses per country, the population of the earth is, what, 6 billion? That's only 0.0000001 princesses per capita. That's not very high. I'd like to see that pushed up to at least 0.00005 ppc. But how? I'll have to think about this.
Other notes: Linoprint is awesome. I should do some more of that sometime. COVA? Or rather, VIAR? No, forget that. I want a Committee!
I also don't know if I'm just sick of blonde princesses, or if my wariness of them stems from the Daisy/Peach dichotomy. (In case it wasn't obvious, I'm on the Daisy side. I mean, older is better, right?) Just a thought.
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