Smallhouse Log

much later
"A French intellectual is much worse than a regular French." -Leah, 12/15/2005

So I was telling Leah about this political poster I'd thought up. The poster would have the elephant and the donkey, facing each other, and one of them (probably the donkey) would be saying "You and me, baby, we ain't nothin' but mammals." Below, it would say "Tired of the animals in office screwing you over? [linebreak] GO GREEN!" and then a picture of a tree. Brilliant, I know. But i never got to finish telling her, because....

I: "' and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mammals,' and below it says, 'Tired of p-'
L: "Are elephants mammals?"
I: "Of course elephants are mammals."
L: "Do they give live birth and nurture them with milk? Do they have hair?"
I: "What, did you think they laid eggs? They give live birth. They have h-"
L: "Is a donkey a mammal?"

I: "How could you not know an elephant is a mammal?"
L: "I've never studied the elephant in depth. I know they're a pachyderm."
I: "You asked if a donkey was a mammal."
L: "I don't know. Does it have hair?"
I: "It's covered in hair!"

And my mind is so blown. She criticises my lack of anatomical knowledge, and then this? I mean, whoa. How does anyone graduate high school without knowing this? I'm never letting her give me guff about not knowing where the duadenum is ever again.

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