Friday, fifth week after Pentecost
Hooray! As of Monday, I will need to get up every day by at least six in the morning, but I will also be earning enough to pay rent! Now that's good news.
Moving in continues apace. With Brian gone, none remain to stop my totalitarian regime of ruthless decrees (exempli gratia: which cupboard the pots go in). Sadly, there are no scurrying minions to, say, wash all the dishes, either. If only I had a gold robotics badge!
Yeah, I went there.
Sadly, our delicious pirated Internet is on the fritz. Should this remain the case, I may have to take drastic measures, id est pay for our own subscription. It is my hope that service will soon resume pro bono publica, whereupon I can arrange and furnish Smallhouse, and not just the apartment, as I see fit once more.
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