Smallhouse Log

Black Friday
"I have to admit, I'm a little bit afraid of old people." -Jen my boss, 11/20/2008

I decided to skip the Waldo hunt and stay home today to get some work done. Fortunately for that goal, I ran out of TV. I managed my antfarm for a couple hours, and eventually got hungry enough that I got done with that, too. After a supper of fried green banana (so good) I finally set to work. First I washed half the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Then I "cleaned" my room. I'm sure most people can guess what that means. End result: Two-foot-high, wobbling stacks of (1) NES cartriges (2) CDs and (3) cassette tapes. Three piles, wafting pleasantly in the breeze, on top of various pieces of living room furniture. Er. I guess there's no real breeze. Why are they wafting.

The danger of my personal possesions collapsing as soon as someone so much as breathes hard in their general direction aside, it's been a relaxing day and oh my gears it is halfway to morning, why am I awake. This is what I get for not paying attention. But what a relaxing day!

Also I ate like a quarter of a pumpkin pie for brunch, that was awesome.

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