Smallhouse Log

one week later, Thursday

I spent a lot of time on and in roofs today; a lot of time, that is, relative to the usual amount of time I spend in a day on or in roofs. Rooves? That looks weird. Roofs. Hmm.

The reason for this being, I left my keys in my pyjama pants this morning and went to work without them. Unable to lock my bike up once I got to Hyde Park, I was forced to pursue... other options. In the end, this led to me crouching along in the rafters above the third floor theatre in Ida Noyes Hall, the one with the Masque of Youth mural. The rafters, alarmingly, were brick and cement. I walked around a bit, but it wasn't quite as exciting as I'd always hoped -and by always, I mean "for the past eight years", that being how long ago I first noticed this particular trapdoor. I mean, it's no Harper sub-basement.

It was also curiously easy to crawl around on the roof of Haymarket. Go figure.

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