Monday, Sixth Week
You know what's different about this entry? I'm typing it on my new computer.
Monday, Sixth Week
You know what's different about this entry? I'm typing it on my new computer.
later that day
"I don't think I've ever read a really hot grammar book.... or moist." -Antonia Syson, 09/26/2005
It's here! Now I just need need an OS and maybe an ethernet port. Ha!
And the CD still rocks.
Monday, Fourth Week
"Makes me want to think about where I'm gonna be in a year / I don't want to think about it, 'cause it's happening right here."
I need to remember to listen to happy, uplifting music in the morning, not the self-pitying kind.
Sunday, Third Week
"To prevent anyone from seeing the greasy mayonnaise hair you got from putting mayonnaise in your hair." -Shaina, 09/08/2005
You know what would be awesome? Legal tender that, instead of having dead guys or buildings on it, feature pictures of Dinosaurs. Think of it: Anklyosaurus on the nickel (it would then be called an 'ankly'); T-Rex on the dollar bill. It would rock so hard.
Also, my new computer is still on its way. This is not my idea of three-day delivery. It's all the way to Rockford now, at least, so it should be here tomorrow. Huzzah!
Also, the retreat was awesome, the new Spill Canvas CD is awesome, and I <3 Leah. Or, to use the Polish notation, <3 I Leah.
I wonder how Geoff's banana bread is coming along?
Saturday before First Week
I'm back! I'm happy! And I'm going to bed!
Well, I'm going to couch. You know what I unpacked first? Hats. Then explosives, then bath towels.
"God didn't invent pants, it was Levi Strauss!"
a few minutes later
"Oh, $*#@! Okay, that's prime." -Judge Sara, 05/08/2005
I forgot to mention that I herd (that was accidental, honest) cows mooing last night, and it really freaked me out. Coyotes howling, things scratching at the cabin walls, OK. But cows? There aren't any cows here right now. It was so freaky, I smudged the whole cabin. It's still smokey in there.
While I'm here, long lost conversation tidbit: Leah is looking through Brian's book of Sociological terms, when
Wenesday, after Men's Retreat
"I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing quietly to myself and you were in the way." -Kate, 07/22/2005
While I'm in the library, I thought I'd try this. It seems to be working. Just so everyone knows, I am not dead, and have been chonicling my adventures somewhat faithfully over the course of the summer so far. Best love to all, and I'll be back in civilisation, building my new computer, by the eighteenth of August.
Oh, and Jeremy, I have the perfect birthday present for you.... hee hee....