Smallhouse Log

Wednesday, Ninth Week
"This egg, something that has all the complexity of a ping-pong ball: How does that change into a complex thing that moves around, and watches videos?" -Don Kane, 03/28/2005

For anyone who wants to czech out my final project for Java, I give ye BallOoga! I warn, though, that it is a work in progress, and may not always function correctly. Also, there's no paddle yet. Grr, key bindings!

Speaking of things that stress me out, I'm convinced that Leah and I have very different attitudes about things like skipping class. I skipped my classes today for what I consider to be very legitimate reasons (ie. I would not have arrived until halfway through class anyway), but when I confessed this to her, she seemed upset and angry at me. I mean, what am I supposed to do, waltz in with twenty minutes left of class? That's just disrespectful.

What bothers me is that after talking to her, I found myself becoming angry at her for being angry at me. That is just silly, so I stopped, and now I'm just listening to what could be considered angry music: FurtherMore's sheandi, which could just as easily be titled 12 Songs About the Same Things. It's a good CD though; I recommend it.

"Likewise, changing just because I say so? Rearranging yourself with nowhere to go, feeling vertigo. Also, I wanna remind you, haunting memories are hunting you down, wanting you to drown."

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