Smallhouse Log

another hour later
"Two-thirds the mass of Jupiter? That's a big mother!" -Professor Winsatt, 10/12/2006

I think I lost both of my new pens over the break. Also, I found more quotes and uploaded some poems. I discovered I'd screwed up the RSS, too. Gotta try to avoid that in the future. If ya'll are ever not sure the link went to the right post, czech the main cruise index -hopefully, I'll have at least done that correctly. Another conversation tidbit, but I know where this one's from: my Moments of Happiness class.

Bene is searching for a word.
Bene: "The Fellowship of the Ring is one of these...."
Someone: "Trilogy?"
Someone Else: "Epic?"
Yet Someone Else: "Allegory?"
Bene: 'That's it!'

My phone has been beeping at me to charge it all day. I guess I should do that.

Comments have closed.

leah responded within a day.

i would like it if you made it so that i can read in chronological order as they were written and navigate through the posts without having to click the journal button or the back button. namely, having a "following post" link in addition to the "previous post" link.
Smallhouse responded within a day.

Yeah, I've been thinking about doing that. Maybe next update.