Wednesday, Second Week, Winter Quarter
"You can't, though. You don't have any humming or stuffus." -Leah, 11/26/2006
So I just noticed that Smallhouse seems to be the only active site on exitseraphim anymore. (I know what most of you are thinking, but you can spare me from that particular comment.) This and my increasing frustration with not having my own webspace are causing me to think that perhaps the time is right to move out of Zarya's basement and get my own place. Which I will then twist to my own insidious ends. Yes.
This "having all my homework done well in advance" thing is kinda eerie, to tell the truth. Others might disagree. But what do grad students know? NOTHING, that's what.
Summary of the recently surreal: Kid fake-punches me in the stomach while my mouth is full, blames it on scav, scampers off. I may be the heir to the English throne. My collage receives critical acclaim in collage class. My fairy tales class is full of misandry. Kuviasungnerk. New Hot Side Hot members pulled viciously from the ranks of the Cold Side Cold. I enter a contest of wills and wits with the Grumpy Guy at the Kosher Deli; I lose, but not by too much.
Google Calender doesn't work with the latest version of Firefox? Hm.
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