Smallhouse Log

Tuesday, Fourth Week
"She's training to be an amputee victim." -Danit, 01/07/2007

So, remember how there was something something about moving out to my own webspace? That move has started. Czech out the sweet new icons (pretty much all of what's done so far). I kind of want to make all the new things xhtml 1.0 strict complient, and for now it'll be on a "when I come to it" kind of transfer proceedure for the move. That is to say, not everything will be switched over at once, but most major stuff will switch over first, like the log, the feed, and the about the site page. But anyway, the domain is -surprise, surprise-

Leah may be making a move soon, too, but for now that's for her to announce. Or rather, she says she's going to work on it tonight, but there's nothing there yet, and I don't want to link prematurely.

Oh, I just remembered. BallOoga is back into proper runnig order, though it's not a lot of variety, really. I totally played it for ten minutes the other day, though.

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