Smallhouse Log

"As far as I know, one of the main reasons we believe vision is possible is because we do it." -Pedro, 09/25/2006

So Brian rolled into town and made me watch Metalocolypse, and I made him play elephant chess. I won at elephant chess, but we'd eaten dinner at the Falcon, and he'd had more than I had. Also, he'd never played before, though he had the advantage of being able to read Chinese. Everyone won with Metalocolypse. I will not watch it on my own.

While getting stamps so I could mail out MOUSE! Brazenly standing in the middle of the room, giving me the eye, until I looked up and noticed him! Grr! We'll get him yet. Interestingly enough, I have no idea why he's here. He doesn't appear to be eating anything; at least, I've seen nothing showing sings of being eaten by a mouse. It's not like we even have any food to be leaving around. But speaking of those upon whom I wage an eternal war, the grumpy guy ot the kosher deli wasn't there last time I went in. Some younger, nice, new guy was there. His hummus was lackluster, but I am confident that he will improve over time. Truly, the other guy's insolence knew no bounds. He would ask me what I wanted before he even toasted my bread, double-check what it was as he toasted the bread, and then give me something else once the bread had finished toasting. Furthermore, he consistantly put only the faintest hint of hummus on my hummus and vegetable sandwich. Not a condiment. No.

But anyway, while getting stamps from my old notebook, I discovered, in addition to the quote above, a conversation snippet from four days later, in the same class. For the record, I'm pretty sure that the That Guy under scrutiny was a grad student.

That Guy: "What do you do if you can't access a paper with no direct links?"
Pedro: "Go to the library."
That Guy: "Do they have special links to papers?"
Pedro: "Books. They have books."


I will not watch it on my own.

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gzt responded within a day.

pedro is awesome.