Smallhouse Log


The vote has been tallied! And thus there are now two three feeds on Smallhouse:

I hope that satisfies people's needs. I intend to add some sore of sidebar with this information as well.

As a personal opinion, if anyone out there doesn't use any sort of feed reader, it's worth the small time investment to start. All blogger blogs, all livejournal journals, mainline newspapers, most webcomics, and any independent website worth its salt will have at least one feed you can subscribe to, informing you of, or directly providing you with, any new content on that site. Doesn't that sound nice? I use Google Reader and Google Homepage myself, but there are many other options. Some browsers even have built-in feed reading functionality. Even more browsers support feed auto-detection. See a little icon on the right end of your address bar? That means this website has an associated feed (in this case, the Smallhouse update feed, not the full-content log feed). Isn't technology wonderful?

Consider yourself inform'd!

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