Smallhouse Log

"How did you know I had no pants?" -Lorange, pd

Check this out. I should've given him the other name. He had me move my hand so "PEN 15" wouldn't be visible, but it's there, and man did I laugh seeing it.

But this still pisses me off. Not only do they put my alias next to my name in print, but they spell my name wrong. But worst of all, they misquote me. And it's not like they misheard me, either: It was a freakin' e-mail interview! How do they just drop the P out of Atlasphere? It doesn't even make sense as they have it. I mean, really!

Interestingly enough, the top result googling for 'Ian Huisken' has nothing to do with me, though the following several all do. Crazy times.

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